Octopus Agile now beating Octopus Cosy

I have been keeping an eye on competing tariffs using the Octopus Compare app. I have noticed that, just recently, Octopus Agile would be cheaper for me with my current usage patterns. Below is the chart for one month.

As you can see, the chart begins with Cosy just ahead of Agile but ends with Agile clearly the winner. If you look at the pricing for a single day, it is easy to see what is happening:

You don't have to be a genius to figure out why Agile might work out cheaper overall! It is cheaper on a minute-by-minute basis almost all of the time. It isn't quite as stark as this every day, but this is clearly something that I should keep an eye on.

For now, I am going to stick with Octopus Cosy. Apart from anything else, the easy to remember rate periods make it easy to make judgements about setting timers or sticking on an extra load of washing or dishes. I'm not sure quite how to handle such decisions on Agile. One approach would be to act exactly as I would on Cosy - Octopus Compare tells me that that approach would have saved me money. However, it WOULD feel very strange - making decisions based on a tariff I am not on!


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